Survey Design

How to Select the Right Survey Design?

The benefits of quick information should be balanced with the need for in-depth knowledge.  The right survey approach should be tailored to your needs.  As a way of helping you to think about the right approach for you, three of our most used methodologies are described below, each with different benefits and goals:

Approach One – Rapid Focus Group Sensing

If you need quick results and require lower visibility, we suggest sampling a small number of opinion leaders, employees or customers using focus groups with a narrower design allowing in-depth focus on specific issues.  This approach is designed to gain you rapid results.

Purpose Test solutions or uncover unclear or unknown problems
Advantage Simplicity, lower profile and rapid speed

Approach Two
– Focus Group Sensing plus Sampling

If you want to “test the water” first because you are not clear of situation specifics, then drill down into detail consider this intermediate design option involving the serial use of two methods – focus groups first with a small number of key influencers followed by sampling of the target population by short questionnaire.  This allows you to test your hypotheses first, then with confidence uncover subgroup differences, multiple feature or problem analysis, or isolate the causes of problems.

Purpose Diagonal view covering multiple subgroups, levels, or functions or facilities
Advantage Gain confidence first, then gain a rapid but more in-depth view with cross sectional breakouts by subgroupings


Approach Three – One on One Survey

This most comprehensive method includes a first phase of focus group sensing to identify, clarify and test key product features followed by a detailed in-depth one-on-one interviews given to a sample of the target population.  This provides detailed quantitative and qualitative data with direct interaction with the product mock up and your potential customers which yields a wealth of insights into potentially hidden affective and functional issues.

Purpose In-depth thorough study of how customers interact with your product or service.
Advantage One-on-one interviews provide instant feedback and allow for feature and pricing modification to test alternative approaches.